Laser World of Photonics India 2022 was taking place from 7th to 9 th, December, in Mumbai, India.
Evolase has participated in the exhibition for the first time this year, presenting its own developments to visitors.
The Evolase booth showcased:
Despite the fact that it has been the first appearance of Evolase at this exhibition, the company’s booth has attracted a lot of attention. The Evolase booth was visited by representatives of many scientific and production institutions, and our employees were active in answering questions from visitors about the company’s new developments.

Laser World of Photonics is India’s only trade fair for the laser and photonics community. It has been held annually since 2012. The exhibition presents the full spectrum of the photonics industry, from components to manufacturing equipment, in an international setting, tailored to the specific needs of the Indian market.

Evolase would like to thank the organizers, exhibitors, and our partners. See you next year!